Lifestyle, Fitness and Meditation, Smooth Morning

How can I change My Lifestyle?

What is life? Life is a journey, but it has no spontaneous destination. You will fix it, that is, where you do want to see yourself.

How should be your lifestyle? Many time you might have searched on google about fitness, meditation, nutrition etc. to apply in your life as you want to maintain a good or heathy lifestyle. You must fix your daily routine first. The best routine should be modified by the famous lines: Early to bed and early to rise/ Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Your biological function supports it most. You are not a machine. You are a human being and you become tired if you work a lot. You may be tired if you do not sleep properly. So, what is a proper sleep? You need a sound sleep at least for 6 hours but not more than 8 hours. You need a sleep that draws you to the bed before 11 p.m. You should wake up before 7 a.m. If someday you cannot sleep properly try to wake up at the same time. Do not extend sleep if you are not ill. And go to bed at the same time. Do not sleep at noon.

When should you take your breakfast and other meals of the day? It is very important so as to your sleep schedule. It is better to drink a glass of water in the empty stomach after you wake up from the bed. You need to take your first meal before 8 a.m. Do not take fast food. You need to take good carbs and healthy protein. Make sure that you take your lunch within 1 to 2 p.m. You should finish your last meal of the day before 8 p.m. You may take snacks but do not take foods at late night. Make sure that you have finished your last meal at least two hours before going to bed. These are the main three meals. You may take more meals if necessary. But do not take huge meals for that. And make sure that you drink enough water.

A good lifestyle is the most important thing to enjoy your life. Avoid bad habits. Spend at least half an hour in physical exercise or in meditation. This is a common suggestion to all.
